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Hotel Reservations

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Hotel Booking

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Next time you are in Jamaica why not try our Luxury Escapes resorts?
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Have you tried a Bed & Breakfast Instead? It may just be the better option for you.

Planning a getaway? Before you start checking the rates at the most popular hotel in town, we have a different idea for you: a bed and breakfast.


What Is a Bed and Breakfast?

A bed and breakfast, often abbreviated as B&B, is a business that accommodates overnight guests and offers a breakfast menu. They traditionally take the form ranging from a room in a large family home to top of the class purpose Villas offering personalised luxurious accommodation and services. While B&Bs usually host guests for short periods, typically overnight, individuals interested in a longer stay are able to get that option.


Bed and breakfasts offer hospitality services on a personal level. In most cases, the limited number of people they accommodate allows a host to establish a stronger connection with their guests. For example, if a guest has dietary restrictions, room preferences, or physical limitations, the host can make necessary preparations to make their stay more comfortable. 

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